Intellectual Property
Protect Your Core
In the information age, the most important assets are the hardest to protect – your intellectual property. Many different legal protections are available to protect these – from copyrights to trademarks to patents – and making the right choice can help you keep your intellectual property safe. However, trying to obtain and maintain protection on your own can be very difficult. We can help. Whether it’s your name, your expression, or your discovery, Kashyap Partners is here to help you protect your intellectual property.
Some Of Our Services...
Copyright Agreements
Trademark Agreements
Due Diligence & Maintenance
IP Management
A business invests heavily in their reputation through branding, marketing, and name recognition. In order to prevent others from diluting or exploiting your hard-earned reputation, it is important to protect your brands, names and recognizable business elements through trademark registration. While identifying trademarkable elements and seeking the right registration in the right classes and jurisdictions can be hard, Kashyap Partners is here to help. Whether it’s a brand name, a product line, or a logo, we can help you register and maintain your trademark as well as handling any licensing, transfer or auditing needed.
Art and creative expression are about more than financial reward – but they do represent a substantial investment of time, expertise, and money. In order to keep your creations safe from unscrupulous imitators or copiers, it is important to maintain and register copyright protection. While identifying the right copyrightable elements and maintaining protection can be difficult, Kashyap Partners is here to help. Whether it’s a literary work, a musical composition, an audio-visual creation or any other form of art, we can help you register and maintain your copyright as well as handling any licensing, transfer or auditing needed.
Developing technology, innovating on existing products, making fresh inventions or finding new scientific breakthroughs can be incredibly valuable – both for society and for the creator. However, without the protection of a patent you can lose the value of your creation to imitators without any legal recourse. While filing the right patent with well drafted and patentable claims can be difficult, Kashyap Partners is here to help. Whether it’s a process, a device, or a design, we can help you register and maintain your patent as well as handling any licensing, transfer or auditing needed.
We Are Here For You
Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation
Our law firm provides reliable and expert legal services at an affordable rate. We work one-on-one with each client to understand the client’s business, their industry, along with the client’s objectives and long-term goals. We devise customized and effective solutions for each client. If you would like to learn more about our services, you can schedule a free consultation. We have experienced attorneys available to answer any questions you may have and provide advice tailored to your individual needs. To schedule a meeting, please contact us and we will arrange a time that works for you. Our consultations are confidential and our team is committed to providing you with the best guidance possible.